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  fig_cap = NULL,
  fig_subcap = NULL,
  fig_cap_location = NULL,
  fig_column = NULL,
  fig_width = NULL,
  fig_height = NULL,
  fig_pos = "H",
  fig_link = NULL,
  column = NULL,
  layout_ncol = NULL,
  layout_nrow = NULL,
  layout = NULL,
  out_width = NULL,
  out_height = NULL



R code to insert into the code chunk's body. A character scalar.


Unique code chunk label. Set as Quarto's label code chunk option. A character scalar that starts with "fig-" and only contains letters, numbers, underscores (_) and dashes (-).


Figure caption. Set as Quarto's fig-cap code chunk option. Either NULL to omit or a character vector.


Figure subcaptions. Set as Quarto's fig-subcap code chunk option. Either NULL to omit or a character vector.


Location to place figure captions. Set as Quarto's fig-cap-location code chunk option. Either NULL to omit or one of "top", "bottom" or "margin".


Quarto article layout class for the figure output. Set as Quarto's fig-column code chunk option. Either NULL to omit or one of

  • "body"

  • "body-outset"

  • "body-outset-left"

  • "body-outset-right"

  • "page"

  • "page-left"

  • "page-right"

  • "page-inset"

  • "page-inset-left"

  • "page-inset-right"

  • "screen"

  • "screen-left"

  • "screen-right"

  • "screen-inset"

  • "screen-inset-shaded"

  • "screen-inset-left"

  • "screen-inset-right"

  • "margin"


Width of the plot (in inches), to be used in the graphics device. Set as Quarto's fig-width code chunk option. Either NULL to omit or a numeric scalar.


Height of the plot (in inches), to be used in the graphics device. Set as Quarto's fig-height code chunk option. Either NULL to omit or a numeric scalar.


LaTeX figure position arrangement to be used in \begin{figure}[]. Set as Quarto's fig-pos code chunk option. Either NULL to omit, a character scalar, or FALSE for no figure position specifier, which is sometimes necessary with custom figure environments (such as sidewaysfigure).

Hyperlink target for the figure. Set as Quarto's fig-link code chunk option. Either NULL to omit or a character scalar.


Quarto article layout class for all of the code chunk's output. Set as Quarto's column code chunk option. Either NULL to omit or one of

  • "body"

  • "body-outset"

  • "body-outset-left"

  • "body-outset-right"

  • "page"

  • "page-left"

  • "page-right"

  • "page-inset"

  • "page-inset-left"

  • "page-inset-right"

  • "screen"

  • "screen-left"

  • "screen-right"

  • "screen-inset"

  • "screen-inset-shaded"

  • "screen-inset-left"

  • "screen-inset-right"

  • "margin"


Number of columns to arrange the chunk output in. Set as Quarto's layout-ncol code chunk option. Either NULL to omit or a positive integerish number.


Number of rows to arrange the chunk output in. Set as Quarto's layout-nrow code chunk option. Either NULL to omit or a positive integerish number.


Custom layout proportions. Set as Quarto's layout code chunk option. A list of numeric vectors where each vector defines the column proportions of a row. Note that the numbers in a row are arbitrary and don’t need to add up to a particular total.


Width of the plot in the output document, which can be different from its physical fig_width, i.e., plots can be scaled in the output document. Set as Quarto's out-width code chunk option. Either NULL to omit or a character scalar.


Height of the plot in the output document, which can be different from its physical fig_height, i.e., plots can be scaled in the output document. Set as Quarto's out-height code chunk option. Either NULL to omit or a character scalar.


A character scalar.


Use substitute together with deparse1() to convert R expressions to a character scalar as expected by param body:

deparse1(expr = substitute(do_something()),
         collapse = "\n")

See also

Other code chunk functions: chunks(), read_chunk_toml(), tbl_chunk()


quappo::fig_chunk(body = "plot(cars)",
                  label = "fig-mtcars",
                  fig_cap = "Default plot for dataset `cars`",
                  fig_column = "page")
#> ```{r}
#> #| label: fig-mtcars
#> #| fig-cap:
#> #|   - Default plot for dataset `cars`
#> #| fig-column: page
#> #| fig-pos: H
#> plot(cars)
#> ```